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Showing posts from 2018

Get To Know Me

Y'all, I'm so happy and grateful about my blog's growth, new readers, engagements, and all the re-post. So I thought what better way to show my excitement than let you all know about the person behind Dimensionsofgold. Well, my smart self couldn't come up with a get to know questions but my very good friend came in handy so let us get started; 1.What is your full name, how old are you and where are you from? My name is Emediong Francis Udoudoh, I'm 20yrs, from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. 2021-23 2.Why do you write? Because I can and it's a gift from God. 2021-I'm barely writing of recent. 3.What inspires you the most? Reading other people's writing gets my imagination working. 2021-Consistency 4.Who did you idolize growing up No one. 5.What gets to you most Harsh words or statements. 6.What's your favorite book? Why Ask Why by John Mason. 7. What's your favorite song? and why? You are gonna be ok by Jenn Johnson bec

Maintaining Individuality In A Relationship(2)

Last 2 weeks i wrote the first part of how we could maintain our individuality while being in a relationship.Maintaining individuality in summary is; how can i be a part of us without loosing me,how can i still be focus on my dreams and goals without neglecting our dreams and goals. For the second part of this topic,couples should: MAINTAIN THEIR INTEREST Isn't it weird people loose themselves in the course of changing their personal interest to match the interest of their partner when from Genesis it was those personal interest that really attracted this partner. Some people go as far as making their partners dream theirs neglecting their own goals.You should support your partner 100% but don't make his/her dream yours.No matter the energy and time you invest in a dream that is not yours, you will never be satisfied regardless of if the goal is achieved or not.Support him/her all you can but let their dream be theirs and work on your own.There is so much joy that comes

Maintaining Individuality In A Relationship(1)

Individuality in a relationship means there is me,there is you and then there is still room for us,so maintaining individuality in a relationship is;how can i be a part of 'us' without losing myself. There are two groups of people in relationships; the first group gets into a relationship with expectations that this union for some reasons best known to them will wash away their insecurities and unresolved past lives and the second group are those with the illusion that this relationship will build,grow them and whatever illusion they have. I'm not disputing the notion.Relationships should help you grow,if it is not helping you grow then you are just in a ship but when you go into a relationship with this mindset there will be an imbalance because one person is depending on the other person for growth or both individuals are expecting this bond to help them grow which will not happen. So within this fantasy or illusion of growth both individuals begin to lose the

Sex On The First Date

I'm not even here to answer that question because honestly it is none of my business if you decide to and it is none of yours if I decide to. So just drink water and continue reading. I'm just here to paraphrase the question because really it is often if not always directed to the women like somehow they slept with themselves. Does having sex on the first date make me a hoe?...wrong question Does having sex on the first date make us hoes?..correct Society blah blah blah, double standards rubbish. If women can be hoes then what is wrong with men being described as hoes. It's so annoying that these same guys when they give their perfectly scripted useless reason on why a woman who has had sex on the first date should be described as a hoe, they go on and on about values and shut the hell up. Values and dignity go both ways. You can't be thinking because I have slept with you I have lost my dignity before you  and the world at large while to me

When He Says He Cannot Communicate well

I will never understand when some guys say they do not know how to communicate well and for some unknown reasons some girls accept it.How does he not know the basics of a relationship and yet wants to be in one. The annoying part;he keeps chanting he is trying alot in the relationship and as the memory verse goes''women benefit more''instead of working on himself. Let me play this out because you love him,so he manages to convince you that the reason for his non chalant attitude in this relationship is due to his poor communicating skills that he has no power over because  (A)he was born that way (B)his father or mother doesn't communicate well so it is inherited Now,you love him and he tries to convince you while doing the bare minimum so he manipulates you into making excuses for him. Don't you get it!when he manipulates you,you make excuses for him,justify those excuses with the satisfaction you have gotten from him doing absolutely what a normal hum

Why Do guys Say Women Are Complicated

Why do most guys feel women are complicated when in the real sense there is just no balance in their relationship. Why do they feel instead of working things out and listening to what the girl even has to say at least to have a common ground, they bail out with the "you are so complicated"talk. Why won't you see her as a complication' when she is going so hard for you and you are doing the bare minimum but still expect praises from her for doing what you are supposed to do. Why won't you see her as complication when somewhere along the line you loosed interest in her and instead of addressing the issue,you become selfish and satisfy your greed outside and when she speaks up out of say she never understands you. Why won't you see her as a complication when you didn't go for your level and for some unknown reasons you want her to lower her standards.If she doesn't,she becomes a proud girl. I would never understand those who say women s


I'm yet to decide if the love didn't fit or it was just too much but can love ever be too much?? The one time i had to shoot my shot without realizing the bullet only scratched him and was gently waiting to backfire.Story of my life. So i thought this love had finally come in my size because at first everything seemed to be in the right proportion.The attention and what have you so i was lost in my fantasies that had come to life and didn't really notice when most of the things he did had become too much.Oh,well:i did but i kinda felt it was still cute until i started choking so bad that i needed help.Trust me,when i met this love i was new because the old me will opt out of any relationship at the first quarel or when i feel any negative vibe or because i just wanted to.It was easy cause i met people daily so going through people phase was a norm. When i met this love,i thought it was just some random phase again but somehow i decided to be serious even when love wa


Once i had a conversation with someone and somehow it evolved into me describing my boyfriend that never existed,he paused me;laughed and said"you are actually describing someone that doesn't exist" and as usual,he went on to advise me that i shouldn't have a type rather i should just go with whoever comes.Thats a pretty good advice for some people. For the longest time,i felt i should love unconditionally and also get an unconditional love in return and you know i tried that but i'm more of a conditioned loving kind of person.The reason you need a type is not so you fit a particular person in the box you have created because really no one person can actually be your type,but to avoid meeting the same waves of people all because you are going with the flow.Yes,you need a type so you can say no to what will end badly rather than take a chance.The devil is working day and night,you can't take a chance with your destiny. Your type comes from your personality


Self love:regard for ones well being and happiness. There are two sides to everything but i guess self love happens to just have 4.One side is the victim,the other side is complications while the remaining two sides shares fear.Everyone is preaching self love when the other person  is at rock bottom or let me rephrase;we blame the people who are at rock bottom or something close for not loving themselves enough.By the way, amidst our self love preaching we are still not loving ourselves. Moreover,it is easier to say people are not giving themselves the kind of love they deserve when you are on the other side of the coin because to be on the side of complications is better than being a victim. I feel most people who think they love themselves a lot are actually on the level of complications.Trust me,complications love themselves but still feel a slight emptiness the self love journey they embarked on isn't filling. Maybe i do not understand what self love really mean or i ha


Someone just called me her sister and I'm like;really. We have been through ups and downs and in my wildest dream I never thought she will still call me her sister  which brings me to todays topic: Love. I love"love"..yea. Its the most beautiful feeling in the world especially if you are someone who loves with their whole heart and then; finds some one who can contain all the love you have to offer. which is what I like and dislike about myself ;I can't half love anyone. If I have feelings for you its starting from 100 and I have tried severally to cut it down but I end up punishing myself in the process. If you are like me you are going to find true love one day but before that day you might go through a whole lot. If you are told you are too much or too intense take it as a red flag and leave It will hurt but just know, they were never meant to hold you and all you can offer so don't let any one shrink you. How do you know he or she is the one? truth is: o


We meet a lot of temporary people from age 16 to 22!!!.True,but scam.Been MIA for a while and i would be lying to say there is any reason for that. You know,when we are all lonely and be reading motivational quotes about temporary people we fail to recognize we also are temporary to others.Its a two way road just as you cuss your ex out,we should also remember we are someones ex and probably he or she is swearing out on us too. Some people are meant to be temporary and that is one thing we cannot change.You meet people for a reason,we all know that.When that reason is is naturally uncomfortable for the person to stick around.It is an unwritten law of nature.But,how do you react when it seems like your life is full of temporary people; 1.You need to understand and have it at the back of your mind that people will always look out for themselves first.When you know this and people leave your life all of a sudden then you won't be so surprised because it is always about


Hy guys....been a while.I just couldn't figure out what to write about but thankfully i came across some hurtbae' recommendation and I'm surprised because this is the first time i really sat to watch what this duos had to say.So as usual i will interpret or rather explain most of the statement they made in their reunion' after a year.Kinda a reaction but not a video though.But,why did they have to meet up again and put it on you cut yourselves off.Really,how did they make this video..were they like uhh...Leonard can we do a hurtbae part 2.Before that,why are they even popular,people are being cheated on but their matter has not reached youtube yet. SMH. So Leonard cheated on Kourtney and they had a confronting video last year so this year they decided to do a meet up video. Kourtney :..... my life and career...180 degree turn,new followers  Leonard :  I'm in a good place...drinking more water...exfoliating... Yes girl...the dude broke your heart  a

#Relationship goals

God,what is wrong with people.Like, are we thinking from our intestines?.The video of the lady who proposed is trending and i am so amazed that people feel sorry for the lady because the guy was married.Hold on,so if the guy wasn't married and he accepted; that would have been a love story????.Really,no..that would have been the beginning of a well scripted tragic story.Proposing to someone means you are ready to take care of yourself and that person,it means you are responsible for the person.Come on,since you proposed;who will pay the bride price,or will it be the 'grooms price',who will pay the bills,who will pay the children"s school fees.I mean since you had that much courage to propose you should be ready for the task ahead.If they quarrel now,,he will say after all he wasn't ready for marriage.I know we are strong women,but it is not right for a girl to propose.Men can't even stand a very successful lady, what more the ones that feel the men they are

Lame quotes

Am i the only one who thinks some motivational or supposed inspirational quotes are just so lame.I love motivational quotes but some of it do not have any other meaning than what you have seen. Today,i will be writing out my thoughts or whatever, but below are some lame quotes; 1 . You miss 100% of the things you don't take What does that even mean.I didn't miss it, i just did not take it.It is the same thing as saying you miss the class you did not take,i didn't even take the class or the bus or whatever so how come i am now missing it.Don't search for deeper meaning because clearly there is none. 2.Whether you think you can or think you can't you are right: As much as it wants to sound sane it is not.I think i can fly but i can't,i think i can drive a car but i can't.I never thought i would accomplish some things but here i am.It should be"whether you think you can or can't,give it a try". 3.People die if they are killed: What was