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Showing posts from November, 2018

Get To Know Me

Y'all, I'm so happy and grateful about my blog's growth, new readers, engagements, and all the re-post. So I thought what better way to show my excitement than let you all know about the person behind Dimensionsofgold. Well, my smart self couldn't come up with a get to know questions but my very good friend came in handy so let us get started; 1.What is your full name, how old are you and where are you from? My name is Emediong Francis Udoudoh, I'm 20yrs, from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. 2021-23 2.Why do you write? Because I can and it's a gift from God. 2021-I'm barely writing of recent. 3.What inspires you the most? Reading other people's writing gets my imagination working. 2021-Consistency 4.Who did you idolize growing up No one. 5.What gets to you most Harsh words or statements. 6.What's your favorite book? Why Ask Why by John Mason. 7. What's your favorite song? and why? You are gonna be ok by Jenn Johnson bec

Maintaining Individuality In A Relationship(2)

Last 2 weeks i wrote the first part of how we could maintain our individuality while being in a relationship.Maintaining individuality in summary is; how can i be a part of us without loosing me,how can i still be focus on my dreams and goals without neglecting our dreams and goals. For the second part of this topic,couples should: MAINTAIN THEIR INTEREST Isn't it weird people loose themselves in the course of changing their personal interest to match the interest of their partner when from Genesis it was those personal interest that really attracted this partner. Some people go as far as making their partners dream theirs neglecting their own goals.You should support your partner 100% but don't make his/her dream yours.No matter the energy and time you invest in a dream that is not yours, you will never be satisfied regardless of if the goal is achieved or not.Support him/her all you can but let their dream be theirs and work on your own.There is so much joy that comes

Maintaining Individuality In A Relationship(1)

Individuality in a relationship means there is me,there is you and then there is still room for us,so maintaining individuality in a relationship is;how can i be a part of 'us' without losing myself. There are two groups of people in relationships; the first group gets into a relationship with expectations that this union for some reasons best known to them will wash away their insecurities and unresolved past lives and the second group are those with the illusion that this relationship will build,grow them and whatever illusion they have. I'm not disputing the notion.Relationships should help you grow,if it is not helping you grow then you are just in a ship but when you go into a relationship with this mindset there will be an imbalance because one person is depending on the other person for growth or both individuals are expecting this bond to help them grow which will not happen. So within this fantasy or illusion of growth both individuals begin to lose the