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I remember having a conversation with a love interest and in the course of that conversation he mentioned he wouldn't be kissing his partner until they got married. And I responded with a "lol". We had agreed on sex not being an option but kissing? I didn't see anything wrong with that. I had heard of couples whose first kiss was on the altar and I knew that wasn't going to be my story so when he said kissing was a no I knew this will only be a "could have/would have been relationship." I remember when Pastor Nathaniel Bassey tweeted "everyone is a Christian until it's their wedding day" and I just wondered if he wanted me to dance to "Is your name in the book of life." I'm not ready to get married now. I might be in 4/5 years but I can only plan, ultimately God's will be done. Click here to watch my non-negotiables in a man   My not being ready doesn't stop men from approaching me with their intent so I try to lay som

May We All (To Friends and Friendships)

The death of friendships hurts more than a romantic relationship. Maybe because there are not enough books to fall back on when friendships die or the books and articles available lean more towards moving on as soon as possible.  Maybe, just maybe, I keep seeing myself in a committed relationship as a futuristic event. As a child, it's easy to make friends but in my primary school days, I wasn't interested in that. I would justify this by typing I was busy trying to be the best in class but honestly, that just came naturally. If I had best friends, they were probably teachers. Fast forward to secondary school and attending 3 different schools, I finally had someone I would call a best friend in SS3. All through the years, I came to really understand why King Solomon said for there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Yesterday, I was on a call with my friend and it occurred to me this was one of my effortless friendships. I didn't do anything to become his frien

My Thoughts On Having Children

I'm just going to pop in here like I haven't been absent for almost 2 months but I will write a detailed post on what I've been up to. I can't even make promises on that but hopefully, I should create a schedule around writing and actually posting. Thanks for your understanding. I don't know if you guys have observed that when it comes to having children, people tend to quote "be fruitful and multiply" a lot and I can understand that (to an extent) because if you don't want to think too much about the statement, a direct translation might as well be "to have children". However, the emphasis has always been on the "multiply" rather than being "fruitful" and that to me is a misplaced priority. Recently, and by recently I mean last year, I realized when I'm with my friends and we talk about kids and the number we would love to have, I mostly fall in between 1 and  2 with the 2nd coming through adoption but when I go to my

How To Come Up With Gift Ideas

Since I basically share every detail about me on this blog, have you managed to find out the 101 of my life?  If you haven't I'm here to the rescue: 1.Do not surprise me 0.Before you buy me any gift 1.Please kindly let me know I'm not just going to leave you hanging, we will get to the bottom of this very strange  101 so stay tuned Alright, Growing up, from the oversized and uncomfortable uniforms I had to the wedding gifts my parent received, I realized people just buy stuff for you because they want to not necessarily because you need it and I think that's laziness. I kept hoping something would change as my age continued to add another number, unfortunately this gene of laziness had been passed down from generation to generation but I serve a living God and he has given me the power to cast, bind and throw into the pit of hell every gene of laziness. I believe gifts should be thoughtful and 101 of being thoughtful is actually the thoughts that manifest itself from th