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Showing posts from July, 2021

May We All (To Friends and Friendships)

The death of friendships hurts more than a romantic relationship. Maybe because there are not enough books to fall back on when friendships die or the books and articles available lean more towards moving on as soon as possible.  Maybe, just maybe, I keep seeing myself in a committed relationship as a futuristic event. As a child, it's easy to make friends but in my primary school days, I wasn't interested in that. I would justify this by typing I was busy trying to be the best in class but honestly, that just came naturally. If I had best friends, they were probably teachers. Fast forward to secondary school and attending 3 different schools, I finally had someone I would call a best friend in SS3. All through the years, I came to really understand why King Solomon said for there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Yesterday, I was on a call with my friend and it occurred to me this was one of my effortless friendships. I didn't do anything to become his frien