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Showing posts from 2017

Cross Over Night

Hy 2017,it's that time of the year where people begin to think of promises they will make to your elder sister 2018 because apparently, you broke their heart or they broke yours! so they are finding ways to make amends in the new relationship they are about to get in. Uuum,you know..some will say you weren't the right partner, but for them to get out of you into a new relationship 2018 alive;damn you were worth the try.Well,the important thing is; your season is over and we all had our fair share of lessons and blessings,some of us didn't get to fulfill our own part of  promises to you through our new year resolutions and guess what,we are about making those promises again....hhahahah,did that make sense. I am not the type to make new year resolutions because;come on..who am i deceiving.I don't get to do or fulfill any of it.The funny part is after the 1st week or so,i end up seeing the diary or whatever i used in writing the resolutions in a very unusual place


Story story.... I have been waiting for the right time to write this but every time i am always lost of words not until i saw a post on fb..a young pharmacy student in her finals got ill and died..i just can't believe He has seen me through until the last month of 2017.We don't look like what we have been through,this saying' is very correct.2017 wasn't exactly the best year but here i am today and i wouldn't blame 2017 but 2016. If there is one year i would want to be deleted  from my life,it's 2016.I made the worst kind of sum it all..i lived 18 years in 12 months.Lets fast forward to when i arrived Ukraine;my whole life, i have always wanted to leave one was maltreating me or whatever,i just didn't want to be at home.I imagined i will be much happier if i was far away from home so you can imagine my excitement when i finally left Nigeria.Appreciate your family,they are the ones that will always have your back no matter what.

Do we really need labels in a relationship.

One of the frustrating things in starting a new relationship is the ''what are we question''.I read a post where the writer said before you ask the ''what are we question''..give it time,but how long should it be before you ask.For me except you can live with unnecessary memories then ask the first week you guys met.In one week you can have sex with the person,on the first day you can kiss the person.In one week you can make your life revolve around him or her so unless you can bear the pain when he says something you didn't expect as to what you thought you would be to him..then ask him on time so you won't be sending some kinds of messages and the other party will be wondering what is happening. If you ask early and he says you are just friends...fine,you know you don't have to stress about him.If he says he just wants to enjoy the,enjoy the moment as much as you can after all no one is accountable for anyone or back out.M


Most of us do not understand what being beautiful really mean.It is a conscious process and a work in progress.It is you living each day of your life not to the validation of others,not being depressed  because of circumstances but in all things making sure at the end of it all you have inner peace. Some of us do not just fit in any where we go,you know that moment when you are there but not there. Every other person is being noticed except you,you try your best but someone else is always picked over you and i understand why we need validation from others;you just want to be noticed and given a chance but one thing about validation,it always come with a price.You get to live each day of your life seeking it and whatever you do will never be satisfying. In everything,let the name of my Son be glorified so you will agree with me that the reason why you are not noticed or preferred when you have given your all is because you are not prepared for the calling God has for you.Your char

What are the chances.

Testimony time;blessings time....yada yada yada, the testifiers are out and one of them picks up the microphone to say "I JUST WANT TO THANK GOD...",no you don't JUST want to.He saved you from that accident,gave you breath of life,supplied you with everything you needed,saved you from the outcome of the wrong decisions you made.We have no idea what the enemies are planning,the covenant whatsoever that was made on our behalf by our forefathers but His grace keeps pushing us through.You can't "just"want to thank him.If you"just" want to thank him then i guess you have the ability to protect your family at home,if God decides to take away your life,you can bring it back. I feel when we say; i just want to thank God for his blessings and the rest we haven't actually thanked him,we just made a wish because of the word "want". You know,we mess up,make wrong choices even when we know the outcome.We deliberately take his mercies for gran

Types of people we find in school

Some of you did not find your category in the TYPES OF CLASSMATES post,so since you are not a classmate you are probably among the people we find in school. THE ADVISERS: These people are mostly your senior colleagues,and it is okay you are advising me.I get it,i get it all.I need to read  my books,use periods for break and study and all the other talks but the issue here is:most of them do not usually do what they are preaching and i understand that so stop potraying your imperfect perfectness. Advisers:You guys had a module today,how was it. Me:Yes, but i didn't do it Advisers:Why Me:i wasn't prepared And they immediately become your parent.Chill,i didn't do the module because i wasn't prepared,i had a one on one conversation with my brain and we agreed that no matter how much i study i will not still pass.What do you mean by "at least you would have tried",i am going to stand alone before my teacher whenever i am prepared and that won't change

Types of classmates

So today am writing about the different types of classmates we all have and believe me we have different categories where you will belong too..yes you. The ''know it all'': These are classmates that feel they know it all but they don't. I mean those people who feel they have an idea about what they teacher is saying but really what they are saying is totally unrelated to what is being taught and you know what, they go on and on saying things that sounds correct but are totally useless.So in gratitude for speaking up,thanks for salvaging the atmosphere because we were all about to remain silent till the teacher answers his question but you felt you did us good by announcing to the teacher that you are dumb and you can't help it because now the teacher has to wrap his head 360 times around what you just said and assume you are partially correct therefore acknowledging your dumbness. The genius: These are people who do not only read every single word

Types of dancers in the church

I just love Sundays,it's an amazing and wonderful day.It's the day where people tend to show or possess characters they normally would not on a regular day.Since the church is connected with Sundays it becomes a revenue for the manifestation of these outstanding characters. Statements like"if not that today is Sunday" is a regular talk. So today am classifying the different types of dancers in church.... THE LEG DANCERS : These set of dancers just tap their legs in church no matter the rhythm produced.They either move their legs side by side as if  in a rendition or move forward and backward. THE HIT DANCERS : These are people who dance only when their favourite part in the  song sets in or when their favourite song is being sang during praise. The could just wait from the beginning of the song till the end provided the last verse is where their interest lies and then they start dancing. THE PATRIOT DANCERS : These are the unshakable set of pe

Sexuality And The Gospel

So I came across a post ,a pre wedding post actually; where the bride was on and on about how she met the guy. Now I don't know if she had previous encounters with other people she dated but her post specifically showed she never had any sexual encounter with her fiance.  She said she had been praying for her future husband and she wanted a Christian man with all other attributes including staying "holy" till marriage so her prayer got answered when the groom in question suggested they shouldn't even kiss till marriage. Wahala for me o I get the whole Christian dating and what have you but these dudes dated for a year before they got married. Talk about be ye not conformed to the world Some people(e.g me) consider kissing a normal rite like we don't even need to date before we kiss and these ones are very sure they will get married and they are..I don't what they were doing. God is the creator of everything including sex but he created sex under marriage, s


At first,i wanted to write about dramatic people but i don't know if there could be a drama without the help of gossip and rumours. While gossip is an unrestrained conversation about people and their private lives which are not confirmed to be true,rumour on the other hand is a report of uncertain or doubtful truth.I think there is something missing in the definition else we are all gossips and rumour spreaders'. If you tell your friend 'i heard Mr A did this while B reacted this way',that is a harmless conversation.Its only when your friend goes to say Mr C reacted other than B that it becomes a gossip because he has has told a different person and there is a lie involved.I get the fact that you shouldnt't pry on peoples lives but lets be realistic; those who say average minds discuss people what exactly do they mean...that when they are with their clique they are always talking about changing the world, money and career or when you are with your best friend,


I don't think there is anyone of age who hasn't had a crush....which of age? Even babies too are now crushing on their fellow babies or seniors!(Don't ask me how,ask those who were childhood friends and finally gotten married,they will explain better.) So if you've had a crush before I think you will relate to what I will be writing but if you claim you haven't,then just read cause you will experience it sooner or later. See,humans we don't like to be realistic. We are always dreaming because I don't see any reason you will ask someone the qualities they want in their partner and they start with character. Don't get me wrong, character is very essential but bro/babe,the first thing you notice about someone is their face.Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,whoever you  are meeting has to be presentable before you first,then you start talking about character."I don't really care about the face"..says who.WE DO. I will be using a