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What are the chances.

Testimony time;blessings time....yada yada yada, the testifiers are out and one of them picks up the microphone to say "I JUST WANT TO THANK GOD...",no you don't JUST want to.He saved you from that accident,gave you breath of life,supplied you with everything you needed,saved you from the outcome of the wrong decisions you made.We have no idea what the enemies are planning,the covenant whatsoever that was made on our behalf by our forefathers but His grace keeps pushing us through.You can't "just"want to thank him.If you"just" want to thank him then i guess you have the ability to protect your family at home,if God decides to take away your life,you can bring it back.

I feel when we say; i just want to thank God for his blessings and the rest we haven't actually thanked him,we just made a wish because of the word "want".
You know,we mess up,make wrong choices even when we know the outcome.We deliberately take his mercies for granted after all His grace is sufficient for our unborn grand kids but we just do not realize that he was spat on the face for us.
I wonder how our lives would  have been if God were to be tired of our inconsistency but he can't, because he is a covenant keeping God.

We should go to God filled with remorse so our sins could be forgiven so we took the chance and every time we plead for forgiveness, it is the same sin.We just take delight in pleading for forgiveness of the same sin.Ooh God is not human so i guess his ears will not itch.But each time he was lashed he brought us one step closer to the father and our names were engraved in his heart.

Imagine our parents were not interceding for us so when we make wrong choices we actually get to experience the consequence.Our minds have the ability to categorize things. We instinctively know when things will go wrong or a place is just not okay but we prefer to experience things we know do not have value just to be sure there is no value in it..after all our parents are interceding for us and off course God never fails.What if Jesus actually came down from the cross just to prove he could.

If you go to the wrong place don't be surprised when every thing wrong in this world welcomes you.


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