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Showing posts from October, 2018

Sex On The First Date

I'm not even here to answer that question because honestly it is none of my business if you decide to and it is none of yours if I decide to. So just drink water and continue reading. I'm just here to paraphrase the question because really it is often if not always directed to the women like somehow they slept with themselves. Does having sex on the first date make me a hoe?...wrong question Does having sex on the first date make us hoes?..correct Society blah blah blah, double standards rubbish. If women can be hoes then what is wrong with men being described as hoes. It's so annoying that these same guys when they give their perfectly scripted useless reason on why a woman who has had sex on the first date should be described as a hoe, they go on and on about values and shut the hell up. Values and dignity go both ways. You can't be thinking because I have slept with you I have lost my dignity before you  and the world at large while to me