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Showing posts from September, 2018

When He Says He Cannot Communicate well

I will never understand when some guys say they do not know how to communicate well and for some unknown reasons some girls accept it.How does he not know the basics of a relationship and yet wants to be in one. The annoying part;he keeps chanting he is trying alot in the relationship and as the memory verse goes''women benefit more''instead of working on himself. Let me play this out because you love him,so he manages to convince you that the reason for his non chalant attitude in this relationship is due to his poor communicating skills that he has no power over because  (A)he was born that way (B)his father or mother doesn't communicate well so it is inherited Now,you love him and he tries to convince you while doing the bare minimum so he manipulates you into making excuses for him. Don't you get it!when he manipulates you,you make excuses for him,justify those excuses with the satisfaction you have gotten from him doing absolutely what a normal hum