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Maintaining Individuality In A Relationship(2)

Last 2 weeks i wrote the first part of how we could maintain our individuality while being in a relationship.Maintaining individuality in summary is; how can i be a part of us without loosing me,how can i still be focus on my dreams and goals without neglecting our dreams and goals.
For the second part of this topic,couples should:

Isn't it weird people loose themselves in the course of changing their personal interest to match the interest of their partner when from Genesis it was those personal interest that really attracted this partner.
Some people go as far as making their partners dream theirs neglecting their own goals.You should support your partner 100% but don't make his/her dream yours.No matter the energy and time you invest in a dream that is not yours, you will never be satisfied regardless of if the goal is achieved or not.Support him/her all you can but let their dream be theirs and work on your own.There is so much joy that comes from personal accomplishment.
When you start to loose yourself even when you are trying to please your partner,they gradually loose the person they fell in love with.

Relationships should help us grow right;yes.If your partner wants you to change to fit his lifestyle thats a no no except with a good conversation and a common ground where you are not on the loosing side if you decide to change.
If you find yourself changing just to be kept around you need to take one step out everyday until you are comfortable with taking two steps out of the relationship.

Now before some judgmental people will come at me,i'm not saying you shouldn't make decisions together obviously you should because it is a relationship but you should be able as a couple know which decisions should be made as a union and which should be made individually.Learning to make joint decisions is an important spice in any relationship but it is also necessary to know what your partner prefers and work in  a way that no one feels belittled. Don't wait for your partner to cater for your needs,be independent while being dependent on him or her meaning;i want you to take me out and do all the romantic stuffs the universe has placed before us but i can do all these for myself regardless.

There is nothing wrong with going on a date alone.As a matter of fact,it is a very essential requirement so all your time doesn't get choked up by your partner.
Don't exclude your friends simply because you are in a relationship
Don't place too much pressure on the relationship,seek a therapist or better still talk to God,He cares.
If you disagree on anything,politely tell him/her,they do not necessarily need to agree but they should respect your views,You are entitled to your opinion,you can only understand other view points without sacrificing your own.

One of the reason why people find it so hard to get over a break up is because they didn't have a life of their own.Its like immediately we get into a relationship we put our personal lives on break so when the relationship ends we don't have any other life because the only life we can relate with is the relationship life,the "we" life which is now broken.So in the course of trying to resume your personal life,we spend so much time wallowing on a lost cause.
Don't loose yourself for any reason.

With love,


  1. :-) :-) This is awesome. Love the concepts and I think they hold true. :-) Great work Emmy.


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