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Good, Bad and Love Decisions

Has there ever been a more depressing story about the relationship between men and women than the tale of Adam?
Samson and Delilah
and just like Adams story the focal point is on Eve.
 Almost like from the beginning of time man(male and female) were created to blame.
The direct instruction wasn't given to Eve,it was a hand me down information from Adam
 and hand me down information are always filtered.
Yes,Eve knew the fruit wasn't supposed to be eaten but Eve never fully understood how severe that instruction was.
The only person that understood it properly was Adam.
I'm in no way trying to justify Eve's action. For what its worth, even if she didn't fully understand the consequences bottom line there was an instruction the least she could have done was obey.

Eve was deceived
Eve ate the fruit
Adam wasn't deceived
Adam was given a fruit
Adam ate without pressure from Eve
but when God  was walking in the Garden looking for the people He had created
Adams first instinct was to blame Eve 
and Eve likewise the serpent.
The serpent though at fault wasn't placed in the garden,the two people who were couldn't even take responsibilities for their action instead they chose to look for other people to blame.
Typical human beings behavior.

Now,uncle Adam; one second he was saying, "this is the bone of my bone" the next, "the woman you created gave me the fruit".
Mahn,God. See the person you were trying to help
you should have just let him be with the animals.

One minute he took authority over Eve the next he blamed his responsibility
but can there really be authority without responsibilities?.
God created Adam first
formed Eve from his ribs
Adam is the source of eve
The source is meant to protect you,care for you ,provide for you and love you etc 
In summary,the wife is the husbands responsibility.
God created Eve to be his Helper,He did not say
"oh Adam, this is the bone of your bone,take her and wife her"
Adam just woke up and became a poet,started professing love but he couldn't even take care of her or protect her because I don't understand why Eve is talking to the Serpent.
Please don't be like Adam.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Even though Eve sinned first Adam was questioned because of the leadership role God ordained for Adam.
And from Adam death came into the world.

Now,lets look out Samson
Every now and then when Samson is mentioned it ends with a prayer point passively or actively, something like this;
Pray against every spirit of Delilah in your Life and if you know you are a Delilah repent.

There is nothing wrong with this prayer point,there is nothing wrong with the preaching that comes before it but something is missing.

Have we realized we are more comfortable with blaming women for men's sin.

Many preachers use the story of Samson and Delilah as a moral tale obviously trying to protect the men from the evil hands of women like Delilah and that's cool because it is appropriate to recognize her role in the fall of Samson but it is completely wrong to excuse Samson by portraying him as the helpless victim in Delilahs movie.
 Or as most preachers would;pity Samson,blame him an atom and spend the whole sermon going on and on about how women are dangerous.

Delilah asked Samson the Secret of his Strength,
He lied.
Suddenly the philistines attacked him,
the second and third time same thing.
so tell me,
Why are we praying against a destructive Delilah without praying against a stupid Samson?

Delilah woke up from sleep and asked you the secret of your strength.
First of all she isn't your wife, are Steve Jobs right now.Your strength is everything, the blue print of your life.
The least you could have done is tell it to someone you trust
and I guess you knew how important it was,that's why your first instinct was to lie.
You didn't trust her but you loved her.
 The philistines attacked you almost immediately after you told her Mr lover.
Okay,that was merely a coincidence,
"It couldn't have been her,after all the philistines have always wanted me dead "
thought the stupid Samson who was in love.

Second time,she comes up with this same request,
you lied again because you think you are what,
a great liar?
Oh great liar, the philistines are after you
but you are so in love so you are not thinking.

Third time dear Samson..she whines her waist and comes again
Samson! Samson!Samson!
why are you both breathing the same air?
why are you still with her?
and what did you do?...lie.

Samson,what is wrong with you?
Is this not enough to show you she doesn't have your best interest in any part of her body?
Samson,one plus one is two
the first time the philistines attacked you,you said coincidence
the second time the philistines attacked and you didn't think to dump her and start running for your life. Well, technically your eyes.
Samson, there shouldn't have been a third time because the third time you are in your fathers house
but lied.

Samson dear,the fourth just had to
Samson, if someone pressures you about something very delicate you don't give a second. third or the worst fourth time
Samson, you run
Samson,the three times you lied to her
 people came to kill you that was your Usain bolt ticket
Samson,Delilah was paid to ruin you.I guess you figured that out.
she tried 3 times but you sold yourself out the 4th,
Your stupidity did.

Dear preachers,dear men especially and dear women too,
you know what 
dear everybody,
Delilah is a representation of any body regardless of gender trying to ruin your life.
Samson is that relationship you keep going back to,you lie to yourself that things will be alright someday.
I am here to tell you things will get worst,you will be blind because you eyes will be removed
but since you keep lying to yourself i'm sure you know this.
Delilah was a gender in the bible but Delilah is also that friend who doesn't have your best interest at heart,
Samson is anybody who make stupid decisions,
Samson is the man who beats his wife,
Samson is the woman who betrays her husband,
Samson is the person you can't trust with life decisions,
Samson is the person you don't want to be the father or mother of your child,
Samson and Delilah are genders in the bible 
but Samson and Delilah are public figures and template for pride, ruin,downfall,sadness bad decisions and everything negative.

So while praying against Delilah,pray for the spirit to recognize a Delilah
while you are saying Eve ate the apple also say Adam wasn't deceived so he just decided to eat it with Eve which is a bad decision.

With that being written,
I am Emediong 
and this is


  1. Every bit as controversial as ever :-) Love it :-D I think to a large extent it's common sense. People have got to own up for their actions. Blaming someone else is never a good look, no matter the person's role in our lives, what they might have done might have been their fault but how we handle it is our own responsibility.

    Nicely written.

  2. Lovely written.. Love the way you drafted the story to advice piece. It very common and almost sounds cool to see and hear humans play the blame play. Observed my little ones the other day and something well planned gone wrong.. Next thing "it wasn't me o".
    And for our beloved Delilah and Mr lover boy of the century, it was such a pity but true be told. These two depicts different characters and it was well scripted for lesson and learning.

    Again and Again. More ink to your every flowing pen

    1. think"it wasn't me"
      Is programmed into.
      We "unprogramme" it

  3. I really love this piece ,am new so I'll take my time to read others. I pray for more inspirations to you.


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